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School Problems

School might be easy for a few of the lucky ones, but most students struggle in some way. Maybe it’s a tough subject, or maybe you never got in the habit of doing homework. Or maybe school is getting impossible for some reason and you’re getting frustrated, mad, hopeless, or bored.



School can be difficult for so many reasons. If you’re working hard and still getting low marks, perhaps you have a learning problem or disability. If you can’t pay attention or sit still, even when the teacher is a good one, you might have ADHD. Maybe you’re going down a path that’s not right for you, and you want to change directions.


Then there’s bullying, in all its forms – face to face, behind your back, and online. If school is becoming an enemy zone, it’s the last place you want to be.


At CMHS, we can help you get to the root of whatever is going on for you at school. Sometimes it’s helpful to get an assessment by the consulting psychologist, who can test for learning and attention problems. Your CMHS counsellor can connect with your school and/or family to determine how to best help you with any of the problems that might be sabotaging your success, such as study skills, managing stress, and coping with difficult teachers or bullies.

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